Devtober #1

This month I'm, using the Devtober game jam as an excuse to play around with Godot engine creating a prototype that's been in my head for a while. I used to spend hours playing minesweeper, and I find the control scheme for the classic Windows XP version of the game to be extremely tight once you know about the L+R mouseclick combo (if you don't know, clicking both mouse buttons on a numbered square would show the unrevealed squares within  range). I want to remake that control scheme in 3D. In the 2D minesweeper, it always felt like I was 'exploring' into unknown territory with each click, while simultaneously 'pushing' out the safe area that I controlled. So I also want to recreate the feeling of risk/reward trying to expand your active area of influence at the risk of losing the entire planet if you make a wrong move.

Further into the game maybe I'll look into trying to solve that age-old minesweeper problem of "there's nothing left to do but guess".

I spent a couple of hours today working on getting familiar with the engine and creating the basic movement/camera controls. It's looking pretty good for 2 hrs of work!